The Global Youth Ambassadors Symposium

The Global Youth Ambassadors Symposium, Hosted by BAS
Networking with diplomats. Building diplomatic knowledge. Solving global problems. Sharpening international perspectives.
In collaboration with the US Embassy Bangkok, on November 1, BAS hosted an exclusive daylong workshop for undergraduate students on ways to strengthen international cooperation to solve pressing international challenges. The Symposium–led by the Counsellor for Public Affairs of the US Embassy Mr. Dick Custin–featured special talks and interactive activities by leading diplomats from America, Europe, and Thailand:
The US Ambassador: Robert F. Godec
Deputy Head of Mission of the European Union: Sara Rezoagli
The US Army Attaché: Lt. Col. Tim Peterman
Deputy Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Jaithai Upakarnitikaset
Counsellor of the Australian Embassy: Shayne McKenna
Counsellor of the Canadian Embassy: Cathy Hardman
Economic Officer of the US Embassy: Elisabeth Socolow
Cultural Attaché of the US Embassy: Jacqueline Mourot
Deputy Director of USAID: Benjamin Isquith
The Symposium is one of the key events to celebrate the 190th anniversary of the Thai-US diplomatic relations!

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